Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary 
to Us

What does the perfect marriage look like? You want one just like it, right?

Well, let me give you a hint, there isn't one!

Marriage, just like any other relationship has its ups and downs...and they all take work. I know you've heard it over and over again, but yup, communication is really what it's all about (and make sure there are lots of kind words thrown into that communication mix).

It kills me to see marriages fall apart (well, most anyway). But it just seems like people don't want to make the effort. "If it isn't easy then it isn't worth it."

Ah, but if you put the work into it, it's worth more than you could ever imagine.

To quote an old song that's been running in my head for quite awhile now, "What the world needs now is love".

Yes, indeed, and love starts at home. Go ahead, give it a try! You might like where it leads 😉

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