Friday, July 14, 2017

Just a job, Lord, this not working is tiring!

I thought sure that I could find a job in a week or two, but even though the job market is good, summer time is not the best time to find a middle management position! Between vacations and being short handed or slow, no one wants to make any major changes until things settle back to a normal pace.

So what do you do when the company you've worked at for 20 years is bought out and you slowly watch your job drifting off to corporate land? Well, I'll tell you, you don't wait! No matter if they tell you that your job is secure, chances are it isn't! So you check out the job market, polish up your resume and get it out there as soon as you see something you like. I'm not saying to jump ship without a lifeboat, but definitely start looking around.

You see, most corporations function the same way. Although they may have divisions all around the world, that's probably only the production end of things. So if you work in production you shouldn't have a worry in the world. But on the office side (where I work), that's usually done all in one place - at corporate headquarters.

So even if they don't take your job away all at one time, you can expect it to disappear eventually. In my case, bit by bit my job was transferred away and I had less and less to do until I had so little left that I was begging for work from anyone who had anything!

I don't blame the corporation (although it would have been nice if they answered honestly when I asked if I should be looking for a job), they are just functioning the way they need to. But I do blame myself for not seeing the writing on the wall.

So, do your job as well as you've always done it, but open your eyes and start looking at what else is out there, because if you're like me, they'll be thanking you very politely for all you've done and pointing you toward the door.

Hmmm and companies wonder why people change jobs so frequently, why there's so little job about some job security first?

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